Futu Manu

01 March 2018, Dili, Timor Leste. While working on assignment with a NGO, a quick opportunity afforded itself to me to photograph a cultural activity. While blood sports in not something I personally condone, it is important to note that Futu Manu is practiced widely around Timor and a common site seen in markets daily around the country. The animals themselves are extremely well cared for. Exercised, trained, and reared to fight, they typically have a very comfortable life until they have one bad day. Compare that to the $3 frozen chickens that are imported into country from Brazil.. 


A couple of weeks ago, I was fortunate enough to work on Charles Williams short film Bud. The moving impassioned performances tell the story of a young boy dealing with his father’s mental health, William’s script compassionately explores issues which are more commonplace in society than we are led to believe.
Behind the scenes, a tireless volunteer crew made magic happen.  I can’t wait to see it all come together on screen! 

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